岩土工程系 当前位置:首页 >> 师资队伍 >> 教师名录 >> 岩土工程系
- 教育背景与工作经历
2021.7-至今 意昂体育 讲师
2015.9-2021.7 河海大学 博士(硕博连读)
2017.10-2019.10 美国亚利桑那州立大学 公派留学
2013.9-2015.6 昆明理工大学 学士 - 讲授课程
环境岩土工程 - 研究领域
- 主要从事于环境岩土工程特别是微生物(酶)诱导碳酸钙沉积(MICP🧎➡️,EICP)和微生物诱导减饱和及碳酸钙(midps)等方面的研究
- 学术成果
1. Liya Wang; Leon van Paassen; Vinh Pham; Nariman Mahabadi; Jia He; Yunqi Gao. A (Simplified) Biogeochemical Numerical Model to Predict Saturation, Porosity and Permeability During Microbially Induced Desaturation and Precipitation [J]. Water Resources Research, 2023, 59(1): e70740471WR032907
2. Liya Wang; Yunqi Gao; Jia He; Yufeng Gao; Leon van Paassen. Effect of biogenic gas formation through Microbial Induced Desaturation and Precipitation on the static response of sands with varied relative density [J]. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2021, 147(8): 04021071
3. Liya Wang; Leon van Paassen; Yunqi Gao; Jia He; Yufeng Gao; Daehyun Kim. Laboratory tests on mitigation of soil liquefaction using Microbial Induced Desaturation and Precipitation [J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2020, 44(2): 520-534
4. Yufeng Gao; Liy Wang; Yukuai Wan; Bing Li; Jia He. Laboratory study on cement admixed marine silt bricks [J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2017, 35(2):186-192
5. Yunqi Gao; Liya Wang; Shuaijie Sun; Yu Zhang; Jiasuo Pan; Yufeng Gao. Seismic performance of small and medium-sized homogeneous earthen dams considering valley site effects in large-scale shaking table tests [J]. Engineeering Geology, 2023, 318: 107098
6. Yunqi Gao; Liya Wang; Jia He; Jie Ren; Yufeng Gao. Denitrification-based MICP for cementation of soil: treatment process and mechanical performance [J]. Acta Geotechnica, 70740471, 17(9): 3799-3815
7. Yunqi Gao; Liya Wang; Dayong Li; Yufeng Gao. evalsuation of valley topography effects on the seismic stability of earth-rockfill dams via a modified valley topography coefficient [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 128: 103814
8. Lei Hang; Yufeng Gao; Leon Van Paassen; Jia He; Liya Wang; Chi Li. Microbially induced carbonate precipitation for improving the internal stability of silty sand slopes under seepage conditions [J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2023,18(5): 2719-2732
9. Jia He; Yufeng Gao; Zhangxiang Gu; Jian Chu; Liya Wang. Characterization of Crude Bacterial Urease for CaCO3 Precipitation and Cementation of Silty Sand [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020,35(5): 04020071
10. Liya Wang; Leon van Paassen; Edward Kavazanjian. Feasibility study on liquefaction mitigation of Fraser River sediments by Microbial Induced Desaturation and Precipitation (midps) [C]. Geo-Congress 2020, Minneapolis,Minnesota.
- 科研项目
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目👌,微生物诱导沙漠风沙土保水固化结构植物生长相容及抗风蚀机理研究👱🏽,在研,主持
2. 河北省自然科学基金青年项目,微生物诱导减饱和及碳酸钙沉积抗液化机理研究😣,在研,主持